Vladimir Isaevich Krukover of 300 practical advice to owners of dogs. Typical errorsAll about dogs - IF: — you aren't assured of necessity to get a dog, — you don't possess sufficient time for care of a puppy, — someone in your family feels hostility to dogs AT ALL don't get a dog. 
To finish the short review of breeds it would be desirable SPECIAL breed — ДВОРНЯЖКАМИ.Представители this biggest group of dogs, don't participate in prestigious exhibitions, nobody cares of their standards. But they are and will be. In малоцивилизованных the countries they are on the tramp, in Europe a vagrant dog — a rarity. And very many people with pleasure hold and plant mongrels. As all МЕТИССЫ these dogs often bear in themselves features of some breeds, selecting from everyone the best for a quality survival. In Siberia not thoroughbred husky — ЛАЙКОИДЫ perfectly prove on hunting, as rideable, guard dogs. On caucasus and steppe areas large not purebred dogs — excellent shepherds and watchmen.Any mongrel — the DIFFICULT POLYHYBRID in which blood эволюционно unpretentiousness and firmness of other breeds are selected. They aren't subject almost to illnesses, very independent, extremely betrayed.ACQUISITION OF THE PUPPY DEMANDS PROFESSIONALISM

You shouldn't forget that acquisition of a dog, especially today, are additional financial expenses, and not only on meal. How you will bring up the puppy, will depend, as often it is necessary to buy for it stock. And having the good, expensive dog bought for some thousand, it is frivolous to drive it on a string: this humiliation of the canine friend. The true dog breeder will regret nothing for the pupil.If there is a possibility to choose a puppy from a several dung (broods), it is necessary to study comprehensively their parents and attentively to analyse family trees of each dung. Thus the preference is given to that puppy in which family tree high qualities possessed not only parents, but also other generations of ancestors.To have a high-grade dog, it is necessary to create corresponding conditions for its development, it is necessary to grow up and bring up a puppy most.To take away a puppy from mother free day from work is better since morning in Saturday or Sunday, say. In this case the kid for a day will have time to get used to loneliness, to new conditions, will get tired from a stream of new impressions and will sleep easily at night. The first that it is necessary to do after occurrence of a puppy in the house — to spend it дегельминтизацию. Щенячьи the worms transferred внутриутробно, aren't dangerous to surrounding people, but work great mischief to the puppy. An active helminthic is пиперазин адипината (0,2 г on 1 kg of weight of a puppy), given once a day in 0,5—1 hour after feeding within three days. In a month a course repeat. For дегельминтизации it is possible to use garlick broth. On a milk glass take an average head of garlic, make small it and boil on small fire in the closed ware within 20 minutes. The filtered broth give on a teaspoon once a day on an empty stomach within a week. From 3rd day from the beginning of procedure the puppy daily as laxative receives on a table spoon of sunflower-seed oil. After дегельминтизации a puppy register in dog breeding department, body of veterinary supervision where investigate кал a puppy on the maintenance гельминтов.Already before acquisition of a puppy you need to choose for it a nickname. It should be sonorous, short and not so extended. It is undesirable to name dogs nicknames of their parents and names of people. It is convenient to choose a nickname under the world atlas.

Choosing a dog, it is necessary to understand that you incur responsibility for a live being which will need elementary conveniences, eutrophy, walks, the veterinary help and, above all — in most necessary "vitamin" which is called as love and without which any house pupil can't show the possibilities put in it completely. In life of the owner much can change: incomes, a way of life, and a dog bought with the good resolves, there can not be with you on all 10—15 years of the life. As it is sad that many of these puppies, eventually, get on street as the homeless children doomed to hunger and, probably, further even to death only because a puppy have bought under the influence of a minute whim, without having thought, whether the dog of this breed for apartment of the future owner approaches.Before to get a puppy, it is necessary to be defined, for what purpose it is necessary to you, what possibilities are at you for its maintenance, whether you can give to a dog proper attention. It is important to be defined and with a floor of the future dog. Суки usually покладистее dogs, give in to training is better. Besides, the hobby суки an opposite sex is limited only by the periods течки (twice a year), unlike dogs who are always puzzled by this question. However many prefer a society of a dog and receive more pleasures from its more active relation to life, are reconciled with its pugnacity and independence, knowing that these properties can be reduced to a minimum patient education. They appreciate constant availability for service that is especially important at the hunting and office use of a dog in dogs. Getting a bough, don't forget that it is responsibility doubly as the further destiny of the future puppies depends on you also: as you can until grow up them when they will be disassembled by new owners. It is very heavy, but justified work; to be frightened it it is not necessary.Thoroughbred puppies are necessary for getting in corresponding clubs, at the skilled factory owners capable квалифицированно to help to you at the beginning. Don't trust in sellers of dogs in the market. And if All of you have dared to get a thoroughbred canine friend in the market, without the skilled dog breeder to you not to manage. Judge for yourself, in what position you can appear, when your sheep-dog bought for the considerable sum, in a year it will appear almost in the same proportions, as in the beginning.

Many owners consider that is better to feed a dog with meat. Actually feeding by one meat can ruin a dog quickly enough. It is not necessary also дневно to include a hedgehog in a diet of a dog milk in spite of the fact that in milk there is a calcium and phosphorus. It can cause on рушение digestion, especially in adult dogs. Growing puppies can give dried milk (powder) as a good additive to the basic forage. A calcium and phosphorus source — a mix of a lactate of calcium and глицерофосфата calcium — to give 1—2 times a day from 2 to 20 г depending on weight of a puppy. It is necessary to add in food vitamins A and Д (drops раст the thief in oil; the doctor) should appoint a dose. It will help correct growth of bones and teeth. About bones the opinion of veterinary surgeons disperses. However they are unanimous that to a dog the crude scalded bones in a small amount (excepting all tubular bones of a bird, and also mutton, beef and etc. won't damage). If bones in a diet will be much, they can cause a contamination of a stomach and even intestinal impassability. Surplus of firm bones prematurely destroys teeth.However to feed a dog only with the soft, wiped, crushed food too it is impossible. It promotes wrong development of a bite, and also worsens stomach work. It is necessary to give special attention to feeding of a puppy in the first year of his life as at this time are formed its skeleton, teeth, шерстный a cover, sight, growth, a scent. If you save on meal of a puppy never receive an excellent exterior at a dog. From a lack of high-grade products the rickets develops, is formed wrong размет paws, the blindness, wool becomes dim and ceases to shine. Irrespective of a hereditary basis, the dry or gentle constitution is formed, or there is a friability and the dampness not peculiar to given breed.The requirement for food is influenced by activity degree, temperature of air, feature of a metabolism. To working dog who constantly is on air and carries out the duties, all the day runs, and sleeps in a cold kennel at night, food it is required for 50—60 percent more than to that dog who lives in apartment.The growing dog demands more than food, than adult one weight with it. It is necessary to pay attention to normal weight, growth of a dog and on that, it is full or not.

The dog with whom well feed, is full of energy and cheerfulness. Calmness, slackness on walks and unwillingness run in the absence of signs of obvious disease can to be result of a reforage. Dry wool with dandruff means that is necessary to add vegetable oil in food.The most nutritious forage for dogs — meat products and a meat waste. They are digested faster and is easier. High nutritiousness the liver, heart, kidneys possess, the udder, a spleen, is slightly less — lungs, a cutting from guts, a stomach. Once a week половинную is useful for feeding a portion of meat products in a crude kind. Crude it is possible to give only fresh meat products. At cooking they lose to 60 % of vitamins B, chlorides, phosphates, there are changes in is white. A meat waste from guts and a stomach feeds only in a boiled kind because of finding possibility in them of pathogenic bacteria. Meat products from livestock slaughter replace with meat of sea animals, sea fish, a horse-flesh.Salty meat and fish give only in a boiled kind. Before cooking them soak in a water considerable quantity, repeatedly replacing it. But a soaking all salt leaves not. Therefore long feeding of dogs by salty products is undesirable. And щенных a bough this forage is harmful To young growth.Puppies at whom allocation and acidity of digestive juice is less, than at adults, can poison with stale meat or fish. It doesn't threaten adult and healthy dogs. Meat and fish feed to dogs slices (the sizes of pieces should correspond to the sizes of a dog), instead of in the form of forcemeat because slices are dissolved in a stomach completely, and forcemeat partially passes in intestines semidigested, causing digestion frustration, the wrong bite develops.It is not recommended to give very fat meat, especially. Pork. In pork more often, than in meat of various animals, contain трихины and Finns of tape worms. Germs of worms are transferred also at eating by a dog of interiors various «the hunting trophies» in a crude kind.

Once a week it is useful to enter crude oceanic fish in whom it is a lot of легкоусваиваемых fibers, phosphorus, vitamin A, iodine, a bone flour into a food allowance. It is not necessary to give crude river or lake fish as the animal can catch worms or солитером in a forage.Once a week together with a forage gives to a dog crude egg. Eggs in a crude kind are useful to the patients, recovering dogs and manufacturers before the viscous. It is better to give it in a mix with other products or in the form of an omelette. Together with meat the dog receives fat of an animal origin. To the dogs living in the house, it is possible to give it very restrictedly for from surplus of fats there is a diarrhea, liver activity is broken. If the dog doesn't spend a lot of energy and lives in heat, a considerable quantity of fat isn't necessary for it.Vegetables are very useful in a crude kind: considering that dogs, basically, don't chew food, and vegetative cages are covered by a cellulose cover which isn't dissolved by digestive juice, it is necessary to give crude vegetables the wiped. Despite it, dogs should give and not wiped vegetables. It doesn't matter that their any part isn't acquired by an organism. When the dog gnaws an integral apple, carrots, a head of cabbage, it cleans and removes a yellow touch from teeth. It is useful to accustom to crude vegetables, fruit, berries and meat of a puppy from early age and subsequently to give them regularly that the dog didn't wean from these useful forages. Carrots are very rich with vitamin A. It is recommended to give it in a grated kind with a small combination of animal or vegetative fat. In this case, the carotin containing in carrots, will more full be transformed to A.Kartofel's vitamin give in the limited quantities and only to the boiled. A pumpkin add in food boiled or пареную — from worms. In moderate quantity give fruit and berries. Greens add in a ready forage crude, мелконарезанной. A nettle it is necessary запаривать hot boiled water (for its neutralization жгучести).Many vitamins collapse in the course of cooking. Therefore it is necessary to try, that the dog used meat, fish, vegetables and in a crude kind.

Sweets of all kinds, the cakes causing an itch and loss of wool, hot spices are counter-indicative to dogs. But in very small doses everyone two — three weeks once a day it is necessary to give to a dog garlic (in the dried up kind the dose on an average dog shouldn't exceed two portions on a knife tip). It is a necessary measure of preventive maintenance from worms.The food temperature shouldn't exceed 30°С. It is impossible to give the sour, frozen, begun to ferment forage. The food should be as it is possible more variously. If the dog completely eats all forage, means, at it good appetite and that you have prepared for it, it was pleasant to a dog. If it doesn't do it, quality of food reduce. Feeding of a dog in intervals between the planned food intakes leads to adiposity, a short wind, diseases of heart, kidneys, skin. However at starvation the dog is even more subject to diseases, hence, it is necessary to give great attention to equation of a food. With 1,5 till 2 months of puppies feed 6 times a day in each 3 hours, per 2—3 months of a portion increase, but quantity of feedings reduce to 5 times. In 4—5-месячном age feeding is made by 4 times a day, in 6—7-месячном — 3 times a day, after 12—14 months — 2 times a day. After meal the bowl should be cleaned, leaving only capacity with fresh water.A long food by dairy products conducts to slackness and adiposity of an animal. Daily the calcium gluconate, phytin, a white student's chalk, the teaspoon of cod-liver oil crushed should enter into a diet of a puppy (it is desirable, on a coffee grinder) an egg shell глицерофосфат. From 5-month's age the quantity of cod-liver oil needs to be increased to a table spoon in day. Once a day in food add chemist's sulfur on a knife tip. Near to a bowl for a forage put a plate with slices of a chalk and dry beer yeast. From 2-month's age it is useful periodically, but restrictedly, to give crude cartilages. Since 4—5 months — soft beef veal bones.

Requirement of a dog for vitamins:
Requirement of a dog for mineral salts and signs of their insufficiency for an organismCalcium — 1.0 % — the Basic source (an island and.) — a bone broth, дикальций phosphate, жженая a bone; — the basic signs of insufficiency (an item island н.) — Increased эпифиоз long bones and edges, a platypodia, metatarsus and wrist lengthening, unexpected crises, an abnormal deviation in development of paws ().Фосфор — 0.9 % — an island and. — food from the boiled bones, жженая a bone, дикальций phosphate; — an item island н. — signs same, as at a calcium lack; sodium Chloride — an island and. — table salt; — an item island н. — the lack happens in rare instances. Reception of usual products suffices. At a lack weight and scalp loss, an acidosis is observed, the death is possible. Potassium — an island and. — potassium chloride; — an item island н. — insufficiency cases are rare. At them the ascending paralysis and depressive reflexes develops. Magnesium — 0.1 % — an island and. — a magnesium carbonate, a magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate; — an item island н. — the slowed down growth, expansion of fingers, the metatarsus and wrist lengthening, the raised irritability, convulsions, кальцификация the soft fabrics, increased эпифиз bones. Iron — 25,0 mg — an island and. — an iron carbonate, iron sulfate; — an item island н. — гипохромная анимия, анизоцитоз and пойкилоцитоз эритроцитов. Manganese — 2.2 mg — an island and. — a manganese oxide, a manganese carbonate, manganese sulfate; — an item island н. — insufficiency happens seldom and is accompanied by a curvature and shortening of short bones. Copper of 3,5 mg — an island and. — copper sulfate, a copper carbonate, a copper oxide; (~~) — an item island н. — quantity reduction эритроцитов, a pathology of the ends of long bones, гиперекстенция wrists (~~).Кобальт — (~~) — 1,0 mg — an island and. — cobalt chloride, a cobalt carbonate; — an item island н. — normotsito-normohromicheskaja an anemia; Zinc — (~~) — 2,2 mg — an island and. — a zinc oxide; — an item island н. — insufficiency happens seldom, basically, because of "superdiligence" of the owner when the dog accepts too much calcium. Iodine — (~~) — 0,7 mg — and. An island — йодизированная salt, йодит sodium, йодит potassium; — an item island н. — the dead or weakened puppies, эритематозный a dermatitis.The note: (~) in clinical conditions signs of insufficiency of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin Д, magnesium, manganese or copper to define very difficultly or it is impossible. The basic source — (an island and.) the Basic signs of insufficiency — (an item island н.) (~~) — for food pound.Daily diet for puppies (in)

The dogs containing in apartment, it is necessary to walk not less than two times a day (in the morning and in the evening), for departure of natural needs. Puppies 3—4 times a day deduce after each food intake, after a dream and games, young dogs. Don't forget that dogs can't for empty once a bladder and do it repeatedly, with small breaks, therefore with выгуливанием it is impossible to hurry up. This rule concerns to выгуливанию dogs and before their training that during training of a dog didn't distract and didn't pollute a platform for training.Except выгуливания, the dog needs to give time that it could run about, take a walk easy. Large dogs need to be deduced in a muzzle or on a short lead. If the dog is already enough well trained, it can be lowered from a lead, constantly watching it. It is impossible, that the dog walked at a great distance from the owner.To the first противочумной inoculations of a puppy is better to take out on walk on hands that was as less as possible possibilities to infect a puppy. The growing organism of a puppy quickly overtires, therefore at long walk let's to a puppy have a rest. It is impossible to give it the big loadings. Don't force a puppy to swim force, differently it still can have for ever fear before water.For development of a correct bearing of a puppy it is necessary to deduce on the tense lead and on a firm ground. Run on slopes, hills, upwards on a ladder is useful. Avoid contact to spiteful and vagrant dogs. Don't allow your pupil to run on children's playgrounds, in sandboxes. Don't suppose, that your dog barked at passers-by, stop it with щенячьего age. Don't allow to chase to it cats since the dog can remain without eyes or please under the car. If your pupil has nobody to play, take for it on walk a ball. Constantly observe of a dog that it didn't lift the rests of food from the earth, drop, didn't take sterns from another's hands: it is fraught with poisonings, diseases and even death; it is impossible to allow for it to drink from pools and reservoirs.To 3-month's age to walk with a puppy it is necessary in quiet places, far away from adults, let even thoroughbred, dogs. When to a puppy 3 months will be executed, start to accustom it to noisy, crowded to places, and also trips in a municipal transportation.After each walk to a dog wash paws and a stomach. This procedure needs to be carried out irrespective of weather to support the developed reflex.